You probably don’t need to read this posting to know that the PVMAC has a new website. As a new member in 2009, I have recently taken over the website duties for the PVMAC. While I was updating the old website, I began thinking about replacing the old site with something new and a bit more updated. My Goal was to make a site that was much more modern, exciting, informative, organized, and easy to update. Hopefully, I have accomplished most of these goals with this new site. I’d like to take this opportunity to point out some of the new features you will find within the new site.
- (New! as of 12/26/09) Registered users can make comments on postings.
- New Video Gallery
- Photo gallery that is easy to navigate and allows members to contribute photos.
- RSS (Really Simple Syndication) News Feed (Look for
icon located at the top of this page)
- Secure contacts page, that has a form to send email, instead of listing out email address for spammeers.
- new rotating ads feature with complete ad management.
- calendaring page to track all our events.
- Interactive google maps to our flying fields.
- A Search feature located in the Top banner of every page
- Useful Links section for resources on the net.
- Easily access the latest newsletters from the main page.
- Show upcoming events right on the main page.
- Breadcrumbs to show path to your current location within the site (located just below the menu and above the text.
Hopefully the site will serve us well by conveying club news, promoting events, and continuing to build our reputation as a 1st class rc flying club.
Tom Callahan
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