At the August PVMAC club meeting, President Chuck Pozanac announced that the PVMAC has officially entered into a written agreement with the Chino Airport Traffic Control Tower, and it goes into effect on September 3rd, 2019. The written LOA (letter of authorization) replaces our long standing verbal agreement with the Chino airport tower, which now officially permits us to fly at the Prado Air Field, which is an approved recreational flyer fixed site in a controlled airspace. The LOA is good for 2 years.
Please downaload and read the agreement in its entirety as the agreement requires that all member and guest are familiar with the agreement and the outlined procedures it contains.
With this agreement, very little has changed from our club rules. The most important thing is that we are still mandated by the FAA to stay below 400 feet. Its now more important than ever to ensure that everyone obeys this law, and ensure that everyone looks out for others that may be flying above 400 ft. If you see someone who flying above 400 ft, please be a good citizen and ask them politely to please stay below the ceiling. We do not want to put any full size aircraft in danger nor do we want to risk loosing the privelege of flying at our prized field.
One change from the agreement that is worth mentioning is that our designated flying area is only active during daylight hours. This means we will not be permitting any night flying from this point forward. We do not beleive this will impact any pilots.
I also encourage you to check-out the FAA’s UAS/Recreational Flyers and modelers website for the latest information on piloting model airplanes and drones in the united states.