Overnight Dry Camping is available for this event.
The fee is $10.00 per night and will be collected by the Prado Park Ranger.
Let us know when you are arriving and our RV Manager will show you where to park.
No motorhomes can be parked as pit vehicles as there will be no vehicles or trailers backed up to the pits for this event.
For Friday night arrivals, email Sam Wright or call Rich Smith at 714-337-2136 so we can open the gate for you.
The county requires the vehicle registration and proof of insurance and will have their paperwork for you to sign.
Camping is dry and no open fires are permitted.
Dogs must be leashed or contained in fenced areas.
For more area information visit www.san-bernardino.ca.us and click on Prado in the left column.
The map shows the main park and lake area and not our flying field. Directions are Located Here.